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The end of an era at DeVore Fidelity.
Meet John, he's running new high-end digital, vintage analog and amps, and his own speakers
DeVore Fidelity history: The Missing Link
Apple iPod: RIP
Confessions of an Audiophile: John DeVore defines audiophile and goes through gear he's had and why
John DeVore Answers The Number One Question: What The Hell Is With The Monkey Names?
Audio Gear / some recently enjoyed jazz vinyl .. and a BIG DISAPOINTMENT on Discogs purchase !
ALTAIRA Installation in Robert Harley's Reference System
Katie Wilson Says Linn is Not Hiring From the Old-Boys Club
The Quest for High-Fidelity (inception): After the Vinyl Resurgence Pt.1
The future of HiFi and high end audio with EMMlabs / Meitner. Check it!